Monday, April 30, 2007

Oki, dags för en lista =)

A is for age: 24 år

B is for beautiful things in life: Summer nights, my brothers laughter, falling in love, people being there for each other.

C is for Colors you love: Blue, black and white & all pastel colors

D is for your dad’s name: Manoj

E is for essential items to bring to a party: Myself, a good mood and maybe a bottle of wine :)

F is for favourite song at the moment: Dont know if I have any favourite song, but Im very fond of Rock Ballads these days.

G is for favourite game: Bandicoot, Tekken, Asterix..

H is for home town: Nacka

I is for instruments you play: I dont play any instrument, but wish I could play guitar or piano.

J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry.

K is for kids: Dont have any, but if I ever have kids I would love to have a daughter.

L is for Love: Puts a smile in your face, wipes away your tears, makes you cry makes you die and then live again.

M is for mother’s name: Suman (Love you mom).

N is for name of your crush: he knows =>

O is for organizing: A must, or I wouldnt be able to get all things done.

P is for phobias: Deep water and Insects.

Q is for quotes you like:

"Be the change you want to see in the world",

"To the world you might be one person, but to a person you might be the world".

R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 3 years ("long distance")

S is for Siblings: One younger sister, 20 yrs and a younger brother, 12 yrs old.

T is for things you cant resist: food, hugs and suggestion abt movienights =) .

U is for unbelievable things: that killing people is unlawful, but to slaughter animals is no problem.

V is for Very important things in life: freedom, courage, patience, content and peace of mind.

W is for weekend plans:watch movies, dance and do homework.

X is for x-rays you’ve had: too

Y is for yummy food you make: Pasta dishes, Indian food and my own experimental dishes :)

Z is for zodiac sign: Gemini

Å är åt dem som du vill skicka listan vidare till: Alla som vill och ser den :)

Ä är för älsklingstrend: På killar,skjorta, stilrena kläder men framförallt vad de bäst passar i. På tjejer: Elegant, feminint. Klänningar, kjolar osv men också jeans, shorts, skjorta mm..

Ö är för en önskan just nu: Att saker och ting ska falla på plats i mitt liv.

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